Rabu, 21 Maret 2012


1. Singing from the same hymn sheet = banyak bicara tp tidak ada hasilnya / omong kosong
Contoh kalimat : corruptor singing from the same hymn sheet in the trial to his alleged

2. Talk the talk, Walk the walk = totalitas dan konsisten
Contoh kalimat : a major investor Talk the Talk, Walk the walk in taking action and making decisions on her business.

3. The ellephant in the room = tidak puas
Contoh kalimat : an alleged the elephant in the room on the judge’s decision

4. Pass to the monkey = Rugi/bersifat licik
Contoh kalimat : Successful entrepreneurs see it pass to the monkey because its stock price broken down

5. All hands to the deck = pendukung
Contoh kalimat : an entrepreneur the property was can be successful because all hands to the deck

My First Experience Dealing With English

I studied English since I was in elementary school. The first thing I learned about literacy and numeracy. When I was attending elementary school, my mom and dad took me to an English course where I learned about the present tense and the past. I'm still learning about the English language until now.

learn about the obstacles I have to understand the English language between writing and speaking. I hope to be fluent in English and English lessons I have gained can be useful in the world of work. amen :)