Senin, 14 Mei 2012

if I became the director

if I became the director, a friendship that has existed will not be destroyed simply because it possessed superhuman powers. it will be increasingly close friendship as they unite their super strength

I chose the factors that affect the film chronicle

because the film tells the story of friendship, but because of the small problems of their friendship to be destroyed. Although the film is a film Chronicle of imagination, but a lot of learning to live that we can accept. One is the interlace continue friendly relations, not to crack just because of friendship and other emotional moment. In addition, the relationship is highly recommended in our lives.

chronicle the movie to be my inspiration

maybe for some people to have a dream to have a super power. At a glance it seems great to have actual superhuman powers, although not necessarily all of them have become more beautiful as the super power. therefore I chose this movie to make me inspiration. because if I may ask, I would like to have the super power :D